
Yuki Fukuda / FKD
千葉県千葉市出身、東京を中心に活動するProducer / DJ / Videographer / Art Director。
その後J DillaやLOW END THEORYを初めとしたLAの音楽シーンに出会い大きな影響を受け、楽曲制作活動を開始。
2019年のOILWORKS Rec.からのアルバム”EGO TRIP”のリリースを皮切りに、国内外のアーティストへの楽曲提供、サウンドデザインなど、活動の幅を広げ、昨今では自身のクリエイティブレーベル「PubRec」を主軸としたプロデュース活動や数々のアーティストの音楽活動に付随するプロモーション、ブランディングにも携わる。
Born in Chiba City, Chiba Prefecture, he is a producer, DJ, videographer, and Art Director based in Tokyo. He began street dancing at a young age and started DJing at the age of 16, influenced by US HipHop and R&B music of the 00s.
After that, he encountered the LA music scene, including J Dilla and Low End Theory, and was greatly influenced by them, and started producing music.
As his activities expanded, he began producing events related to music and dance, as well as design and video production.
He is also the leader of the creative group VIBEPAK, and is involved in creating a culture that more closely crosses over dance and music.
Starting with the release of his album "EGO TRIP" from OILWORKS Rec. in 2019, he has expanded his activities to include providing music and sound design for artists in Japan and abroad, In recent years, he has been involved in the production activities of his own creative label "PubRec." as well as the promotion and branding associated with the music activities of numerous artists.